Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tim White

by David Broadway

Stunning Tim White is a young up and coming Australian model from Perth, Western Australia.

Towering at 6'3", Tim is a most beautiful guy with a stunning physique and very handsome looks. If the word 'hunk' wasn't created for Tim, it certainly suits him brilliantly!

Tim has always been very sportive, focusing on hockey and cricket and a very disciplined guy in regards to training and eating/living healthily.

We are excited and honoured to be able to feature Tim at Stunning Men and to have interviewed him. We are certain that you are going to love him!

Many thanks to Tim for doing the interview 
and accepting to be featured.

All photographic copyrights to David Broadway

Vital statistics:
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 185lbs
Chest: 40"
Waist: 32"
Eye: blue
Hair: brown
Body type: mesomorph

Here's Tim's full interview

Tim, welcome to Stunning Men and many thanks for taking the time to do this interview.
Could you tell us a bit about where you’re from and your background?
I grew up in Stoneville, in the Perth hills, where I involved myself in as many sports as possible. I went to Guildford Grammar School where I really focused on hockey and cricket. I’m currently at university studying chiropractic and now it’s more about getting in as many gym sessions between study as possible.

What about modelling? How did this come about?
Just by chance Chrystofa stumbled across my StarNow profile, we started chatting and then next thing I know I’m having my portfolio shoot.

What do you enjoy the most about it?
I really enjoy going to the gym and trying to look the best I possibly can, so modelling is a perfect fit for that

Let’s talk about photoshoots ... how do you prepare for them?
Firstly making sure I have my desired body fat percentage before the week leading up through clean eating, weight lifting and cardio, and then in the final week, carb loading and gradually dropping water and sodium

I have to say that you are a very good looking guy – what do you think is your best asset?
For me personally, I would have to say my stomach.

And if you could change one thing about your body, what would that be?
Definitely would love a bigger, fuller chest! I feel it just completes the entire look.

You have a stunning physique Tim; how do you keep in shape and healthy? Do you practise any sports?
Up until this year I’ve played hockey and cricket, but as my uni timetable fills up it’s all about the gym for me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

What are your top three favourite gym exercises and why?
Dumbbell chest press, I love pushing to go heavier and heavier with this exercise. The deadlift, as it’s such a great compound exercise. And the squat, as I’ve been focusing on my legs quite a lot after neglecting them for my first year of training and funnily enough training legs is my favourite day now.

And what’s the best form of cardio for you?
I’m a big fan of incline walking on the treadmill, keeping me in the ‘fat burning zone’ but not exhausting me for my workouts

Now how do you keep motivated?
It’s very easy for me as I’m very motivated to keep improving myself, but I have a group of close friends who also love the gym, and even better, my girlfriend also loves working out. It also helps having followed lots of fitness and clean eating pages on instagram and facebook for a little reminder and push in the right direction.

Is it difficult to fit training and fitness into your life?
It’s not that hard. My girlfriend and I both have pretty full on uni courses and so we make sure we each go early in the morning, which I love as it energises me and sharpens me up for the rest of the day.

You must have had your share of challenges; how do you approach them?
I try to approach them head on and not let them get on top of me.

What do you do in your down time?
As much as it kills me to say, I’ve found myself watching a fair bit of Home and Away. But I’m quick to pass the blame to my girlfriend for that one! (Tim laughs)

I could really see you in that show! ... Do you have any role models? People who inspire you?
From the very beginning, it’s been my best friend Matt Doeser who started going to gym and eating very well years before myself or any of my other friends ever did. It was amazing how motivated he was and how disciplined he could be. Once I got into it he never let me miss a session. Thank goodness for him. Also who can go past the great Arnold and all his dedication to the sport?

Now a few quick fun questions Tim ... Do you think you are a good date?
I’d hope so. I managed to get my beautiful girlfriend to put up with me for this long so I can’t be too bad! (More laughter)

What do you think is the secret to a good relationship?
Definitely trust and respect from each party.

Now ... are you a brief man or a boxer kinda guy?
Briefs all the way.

What do you listen to on your iPod?
The filthiest dubstep I can get my hands on. Always keeps the intensity high, even in the last set of the day.

Do you have a favourite song or piece of music to play while training or running?
Anything from Doctor P or Flux Pavilion never disappoints.

What kind of movies do you like?
The funnier the better.

And what can’t you live without?
My girlfriend and group of friends. They’re just amazing to me.

Could you finish these two sentences for me? You wouldn’t know, but I’m very good at ...
... cooking.

... but I’m just not very good at ...
... exam preparation.

In your opinion ... what’s the best thing ever invented?
The 24/7 gyms! Makes life a whole lot easier.

Could you tell me what three words describe you best?
I’d like to say funny, considerate, trustworthy.

One last question Tim, where do you see yourself and what would you like to be doing in let’s say 10 years time?
I would hope to have finished my degree and be on my way to running my own chiropractic clinic.

Tim, it has been a great pleasure doing this interview with you. All the best for the future!
Thank you very much.

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